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Jewish Herald Voice | December 25, 2014

On Thursday, Dec. 18, TORCH brought some extra Chanukah light to Congregation Beth Yeshurun with the introduction of a new series of classes based on the recently published book, �Rav Wolbe on the Chumush� (ArtScroll), by Rabbi Yitzchak Caplan.

Rabbi Caplan, a grandson of Rav Shlomo Wolbe, has been writing weekly d�var Torah emails for thousands of eager readers, based on the wisdom of his grandfather. This book, a compilation of those weekly lessons, gathers the wisdom of our ancestors on how to become the best possible version of ourselves, delivered in parashah-specific chapters, relating this education in character refinement as is relates to the weekly Torah portion.

This ongoing class is offered on Thursday mornings, 9:30 a.m., at Beth Yeshurun, 4525 Beechnut St. The synagogue is part of Shalhevet, a division of TORCH. Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe, another grandson of the legendary Rav Shlomo Wolbe, will be teaching this class, based not only on the book, but on his own experiences learning with his beloved grandfather.

This series is perfect for those in the community who are looking to improve their character and develop into the most refined and polished version of themselves. There is no charge, but participants are urged to register in advance at or by calling 713-721-6400.

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