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A Community Born to Thrive.


An iconic Jewish community for all

Torch brings a new dimension to everyday Jewish life. Whether one is reform, conservative, orthodox, unaffiliated or anywhere in between, Torch is the most vibrant source for jewish learning in the nation.


Years on a mission


Connections made worldwide

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Howdy! Welcome to Torchwood. A next-gen Jewish Community.

Now that the millennial generation is ready to settle down, it is more important than ever for us to belong to a community – to live among friends and raise our future children together.
Torchwood provides a path to make your next adventure unforgettable.

Supportive Community
Social Events
Grow Together

Why the Community Loves Us

Thanks for providing such inspiring classes. You are the real deal and it is absolutely positively contagious!

Don L

You picked a wonderful partner for me; I thank you sooooo much for that. My Partner in Torah is so kind and wise. I consider her a friend, not just a study partner now.

Tania A

I cannot adequately express my deep appreciation to you and your family for having me as a guest in your home over Shabbos and Yom Tov. Being able to experience those sacred days with you, your most amazing family and the Jewish community gave me a greater understanding of the meaning of Shabbos and Yom Tov. It is truly a gift from the Almighty to the Jewish people, as are you, your family and everyone at TORCH.

Dan K

Making the world a more beautiful place.




Hang your hat in Houston. If you're looking for your next adventure, start it with us!

Torch JWS

Torch JWS (Judaism Worth Spreading) is our online Torah learning division, featuring videos on YouTube, Facebook, and audio on the TORCH Podcast Network.

Torch YJC

Torch JYC (Young Jewish Couples) launched in mid-April 2018.

Torch Ascent

Ascent (Arlene Stock Center of Torah for Women) is the Women's Division of TORCH. Established in 2004 in loving memory or Arlene Waldman Stock.

Torch Shalhevet

Shalhevet (Hebrew: Flame) is the Congregational Partnership Division of TORCH. Shalhevet first began at Congregation Brith Shalom in 2009.

Torch Centre

TORCH Centre is our headquarters and the venue for many of our outreach efforts, which we opened in early 2016.

Torch YP

Torch YP (Young Professionals) is the Young Adult Division of TORCH, founded in 2006 and has been directed by Rabbi Chaim Bucsko since early 2019.

Torch Partners

Torch Partners is the Beit-Midrash one-on-one learning style study program of TORCH. TORCH Partners is a proud and loyal partner of Partners in Torah.

Take the leap today and contribute to greatness

Your contribution is vital to our continued growth and ability to provide quality Jewish educational programming. We appreciate your partnership.

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Contact TORCH

9427 Glenfield Court
Houston, Texas 77096

T: +1 (713) 721-6400