12/31/1969 06:00 PM Wednesday, 12/31/1969 06:00 PM America/Chicago 12th Siyum HaShas of Daf Yomi SOLD OUT!!! Please DO NOT purchase any tickets through our site. We are completely sold out for this amazing event. It's been a long time since the Jewish Nation stood together. Way too long. On August 1st, 100,000 Jewish men and women of all backgrounds will be gathering at MetLife Stadium for the Siyum HaShas* the largest celebration of Jewish learning in over 2000 years. Be a part of history. Join us. Join Rabbi Nagel, TORCH and the Houston Community at the biggest Jewish gathering in the United States, ever! Celebrate with our Houston Daf Yomi group. WHAT'S A SIYUM? Get the FAQ's START YOUR JOURNEY Choose a text We believe the Siyum HaShas itself is an event not to be missed. So if you would like to make a reservation for tickets, please register. Be sure to keep a look out for special discounts for Partners in Torah participants! Please Note: These tickets are for the TORCH/Houston Community group only. If you are from outside Houston please visit Partners in Torah's Siyum Hashas page at www.mysiyum.com for individual ticket sales. * The Siyum HaShas, a celebration marking the culmination of a 7�-year-long daily study regimen of the entire Talmud (all 2,711 pages!), is sponsored by Agudath Israel of America. MySiyum is not affiliated with Agudath Israel. Through a special arrangement, tickets to the Siyum HaShas will be available at www.mysiyum.com Met Life Stadium TORCH Register
It's been a long time since the Jewish Nation stood together. Way too long.
On August 1st, 100,000 Jewish men and women of all backgrounds will be gathering at MetLife Stadium for the Siyum HaShas* the largest celebration of Jewish learning in over 2000 years. Be a part of history. Join us.
Join Rabbi Nagel, TORCH and the Houston Community at the biggest Jewish gathering in the United States, ever! Celebrate with our Houston Daf Yomi group.
We believe the Siyum HaShas itself is an event not to be missed. So if you would like to make a reservation for tickets, please register. Be sure to keep a look out for special discounts for Partners in Torah participants!
Please Note: These tickets are for the TORCH/Houston Community group only. If you are from outside Houston please visit Partners in Torah's Siyum Hashas page at www.mysiyum.com for individual ticket sales.
* The Siyum HaShas, a celebration marking the culmination of a 7�-year-long daily study regimen of the entire Talmud (all 2,711 pages!), is sponsored by Agudath Israel of America. MySiyum is not affiliated with Agudath Israel. Through a special arrangement, tickets to the Siyum HaShas will be available at www.mysiyum.com