
Ho-Ho-Hanukah (Children's Registration)

12/31/1969 10:30 AM Wednesday, 12/31/1969 10:30 AM America/Chicago Ho-Ho-Hanukah (Children's Registration) Children's Registration What are you doing on December 25?? If you are starving for some Chinese wisdom and Jewish Food you may not be interested, but If you are starving for some Jewish Wisdom and Chinese Food - this is for you!!! 10:30 - 11:15 Choose Your Shmooze 1 - A Message in a Bottle: The secret of wise men Rabbi Gavriel Jacknin - Connecting with G-d for Dummies Rabbi Dov Nimchinsky - Practical Tefillin: A step by Step guide and it's deeper mystical understanding Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe 11:15 - 11:45 Kosher Chinese Buffet 11:45 - 12:30 Choose Your Shmooze 2 - Chanukah Unplugged Rabbi Danny Masri - Did the Rabbis Make up all these laws? Rabbi Dov Nimchinsky - The December Dilemma: Chanukah vs. Christmas Westin Oaks TORCH Register

Wednesday · December 31 · 10:30 AM
Online: $5 · VIP Club: Free
Westin Oaks
5011 Westheimer
(713) 721-6400

Children's Registration
What are you doing on December 25??

If you are starving for some Chinese wisdom and Jewish Food you may not be interested, but If you are starving for some Jewish Wisdom and Chinese Food - this is for you!!!

10:30 - 11:15 Choose Your Shmooze 1
- A Message in a Bottle: The secret of wise men Rabbi Gavriel Jacknin
- Connecting with G-d for Dummies Rabbi Dov Nimchinsky
- Practical Tefillin: A step by Step guide and it's deeper mystical understanding Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe

11:15 - 11:45 Kosher Chinese Buffet

11:45 - 12:30 Choose Your Shmooze 2
- Chanukah Unplugged Rabbi Danny Masri
- Did the Rabbis Make up all these laws? Rabbi Dov Nimchinsky
- The December Dilemma: Chanukah vs. Christmas